SiSP PI attends ICCB23 in Chennai

Dr.Somponnat Sampattavanich was invited to give oral presentation at the recent International Conference on Cancer Biology (ICCB23) held during Sep 14-16, 2023 at IIT Madras Chennai.

This conference hosts diverse topics in cancer science, including cancer stem cells, functional genomics, oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, RNAi, animal models, tumor metastasis and drug resistance. Speakers include cancer experts primarily from different research institutes in India, but also researchers from around the globe, including Beatson Institute UK, University of Lyon France and Mahidol University Thailand.

Dr.Somponnat shared his group research work under the title ‘Unleashing precision medicine: Advancing systems-based drug discovery and biomarker development for rare cancer’, featuring recent publication in iScience and his group more recent work on spatial biology and organoid biobank.


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